Messages from the Matrix

matrix mind

May 10 2011: In need of daily inspiration? Look no further than Brett Moran’s Messages from the Matrix to kick start your day.

Available from Brett’s website, Messages from the Matrix is a series of free inspirational quotes that Brett says have helped him on his own path to transformation.

“Messages from the Matrix are a way for me to share my passion to help people enhance their lives by getting rid of their emotional baggage,” says Brett, who is dedicated to helping people reprogram, restructure and recreate their matrix.

“The messages are thought provoking, inspiring, positive, enlightening, mindful and happy. Sometimes I’ll include techniques or challenges that can really support others through troubled times, sometimes the messages will be short one liners to make them smile.

“Each message is personal and written out daily by me and I add an extra link or maybe a Youtube clip, some top tips on how to control the mind, or focus on EFT points. Whatever the daily message is I try to add something to further the experience.

“I’ve called it Messages from the Matrix as the matrix is what connects all of us, whatever our religious, scientific or spiritual views.”

In his own journey Brett believes that insight and realisation always come from within. “Other people have guided and helped me, but I’ve learned that the answers to our own issues always come from inside us. Put simply, all I’m doing is to remind people of what they have inside – and inspire them to find the answers that can turn their day around or help them let go of whatever holds them back.”

Signing up for Brett’s daily Messages from the Matrix couldn’t be easier. Simply visit MatrixMind and complete the subscription form.

Or visit Brett’s Messages from the Matrix Facebook page.

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