Healing the world with ACEP
Since 1998, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, ACEP, has been a non-profit international organisation dedicated to the development of energy psychology around the world. The ACEP membership is primarily professionals in the mental health, healing, or self improvement fields. While there are many different healing methods represented, the consistent spirit is one of helping those in need.
by Tina Craig
The organisation itself is run on a volunteer basis by professionals who care deeply about the quality of their impact on the world, and many of the individual members provide service in their own communities, conduct research studies on their own time, or travel to less fortunate countries to teach people how to heal themselves. ACEP has consistently provided funding, direction, or training resources to support these efforts so that EP can reach as many people as possible.
Current international projects include:
- Rwanda: ACEP has provided funding for member Dr Lori Leydon who travels to Rwanda to deliver EP methods and training to orphan survivors of genocide. Alisoun McKenzie, from Scotland, also travels to Rwanda to work alongside Lori, helps with additional fund raising, and travels to the US regularly to accompany Lori on promotional work for their upcoming film documentary.
Nigeria: After becoming an ACEP member and being trained in a number of different EP methods, Iwowarri James is pioneering the recognition of EP in Nigeria. He is the regional coordinator for ACEP in that country and runs a healing center for residents.
Yugoslavia/Pakistan: Sarah Bird is the regional coordinator in Ireland and travels abroad on a variety of humanitarian efforts. In 2006, it was the earthquake in Pakistan, and more recently she has been delivering EP in former Yugoslavia.
Central America: ACEP has sent trainers to both Mexico and Costa Rica to help healing professionals become certified in EP methods and deliver it to local residents.
UK: On behalf of the ACEP EFT Certification Programme, Helen Walker has provided EFT training free of charge to Open Secret, a charity working with victims of childhood abuse in Scotland. Helen is our lead EFT trainer in the UK and contributed to their cause by providing their therapists with the same quality of training that is available in our EFT Certification Programme.
Making a difference: There are many ways to be involved and make a difference as an ACEP member. There are active volunteer committees in Ethics, Education, Humanitarian Aid, Research, and more! Visit the ACEP website for further information.
International membership: ACEP has regional coordinators in the UK, as well as many other locations, to help international members in 34 countries stay informed and be involved. Visit the ACEP website for further information.
To promote the highest quality of practitioners in the EP field and support the goal of mainstream acceptance, ACEP offers two formal certification programmes.
- Comprehensive Energy Psychology: This programme provides training and certification in a more comprehensive approach to energy psychology. It covers a wide variety of EP methods for a broad scope of treatment. Workshops are currently available monthly in the US and occasionally in locations outside the US.
EFT Certification Programme: Developing high quality practitioners in EFT. This programme is based directly on the newly updated Official EFT Tutorial released recently by EFT founder, Gary Craig, and co-authored by yours truly, Tina Craig at the programme website.
Grandparenting options are available for those with EFT experience. Certification workshops are available in the US, Canada and the UK with events coming up in London and Edinburgh later this year.
If you are a professional interested in the development of the energy psychology field in your area, please join us as a member, volunteer for a committee, or consider professional certification. For questions about the EFT Certification Programme, of which I am the director, you are welcome to send your inquiries directly to me (
) or our lead trainer in the UK, Helen Walker (
Tina Craig
Director, ACEP EFT Certification Programme
Co-author, Gary’s Official EFT Tutorial