Moving forward after trauma: part 1

Julie-Anne Mullan

EFT trainer and advanced practitioner Julie-Anne Mullan presents part 1 of notes and thoughts from a teleclass originally aired at the Trauma Telesummit on February 9, 2011.

by Julie-Anne Mullan

The search for a therapist, such as a life coach, complementary therapist, or energy psychologist, is not as simple as looking at the phone book. Well, you could do that, but chances are your efforts would be doomed. It could be an expensive mistake to base your choice of therapist solely on colour, design, and skilfully worded advertisements that aim to attract business.

The very thought of seeking a therapist may seem a scary prospect. In the first instance, it means you’ve come to a point where help is needed. Someone you don’t know and have never met gets to find out some of the worst things that have ever happened to you (they will judge me as weak!). This is a prime example of resistance to change (am I a failure? will I be judged? I don’t deserve help!) even though the outcome is intended to create positive effects for your whole life.

Healing your life isn’t a business proposition

Whatever trauma has stopped you in your tracks, you can change your life. This process isn’t about the therapist, it’s about you. Make a choice that is right for you and, guaranteed, what will follow is the change you are looking for. It may be a relief to know that with energy therapies and therapists there is no need to relive, revisit or be re-traumatised – but for this you definitely need the services of a skilled therapist.

So, how can you make a successful investment?

Make a list of changes you would welcome in your life soon…

An example could be to write what you would swap in return for a positive outcome, for example:

  • I’d swap the insomnia for quality sleep right through the night
  • I’d swap negativity for calm thoughts
  • I’d swap pills for an exercise plan supported by a coach
  • I’d swap hyper vigilance for the belief that I am safe in my life
  • I’d swap tears for laughter and see the joy in my life, my kids smile, a sunny day
  • I’d swap dullness for movement in my body, dancing around the house when I have space to myself. I could turn the volume up loud and bop until I drop!

This is a real beginning! Notice the details. Do you notice how much longer these descriptions get the more you focus on them? Imagine owning the change.

  • A key factor in your successful clearing of trauma may require a dogged willingness for change on your part. Any therapist will love to work with a keen, if hesitant, client. Guaranteed!
  • The therapy and therapist you choose must work for you
  • It’s important you think about both of these before, during and after treatment/sessions.
  • You have a right to change!
  • There is no-one out there who has the power to make you stay the same as you are now
  • Only you have the responsibility to change your thinking
  • By opting for even the tiniest change you begin to affect feelings, physicality and alter your perception of reality in ever so subtle ways
  • It doesn’t mean you have to go for big stuff straight away. Perhaps that’s impractical or impossible because you fear going ‘back there’
  • Just for now, think of even the smallest change as progress and allow good things to happen
  • Change begins with even the tiniest steps you take, and you have a right to choose the pace
  • When out and about I walk very fast but I walk and talk very slowly. What works for me is to have two walking partners: a silent one, and a chatterbox!
  • Even though you are equipped with self-help skills, for example, Level 1 EFT, there comes a moment that a therapist is needed to help you clear all the trauma from your body, fully and completely
  • From my EFT energy therapist perspective I’d say it doesn’t matter how long or short a time after a traumatic event you ask for help. Some professionals say to let things settle for six months before starting counselling. This could be true for counsellors, but energy therapists could be prepared to see you through a crisis, immediately after, even years afterwards. It’s never too soon, or too late!
  • Don’t limit yourself to the local region as some therapists work over the phone or via the PC.

Opting for energy therapy

Energy healing is an option for change. Healing comes from the words hale, hearty, healthy, whole. It was quite an unfamiliar concept to me at first, until I connected new learning with old familiar ways of self-soothing I had learned in childhood. Try this. Ask yourself, have you ever run a hand over your head when danger is past, kissed a child’s sore knee, held your head in both hands while a headache was raging, or to get your thinking straight.

First steps
Choose through which door in the Healing High Tower (highrise) you would be willing to enter this process of healing. Labels on the doors are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. All doors lead to all floors by different routes. You are on the way to a win/win situation whichever door you open first.

Types of therapy
Years ago I would never have agreed to undergo a massage, nor would I have offered one. All that has changed, happily! I have more choices when it comes to solving, resolving or dissolving my issues now. What would you definitely consider investing in? Which methods appeal to you?

  • Body work (massage, reflexology, rolfing)
  • Energy work (EFT, TAT, reiki)
  • Mental/ thinking/talking (counselling, psychotherapy, CBT)
  • Spiritual activities (a priest/ess, shaman, Mindfulness Meditation)

Which therapy is for you?
There are a myriad of energy therapy options now. Raise your awareness about therapies that promote physical balance, mental health and emotional wellbeing. To get quickly to which therapy could be the one for you it makes sense to think first about personal likes and dislikes. Why? Well, if you don’t like anyone touching your feet, reflexology would be out, but aromatherapy could be right for you. Should you find the idea of massage unsafe (depending on the trauma), you might enjoy shiatsu. If you don’t want to talk about the trauma, EFT, in the traditional way or the ‘Faster’ way, might be a solution. Not every therapy will work for every issue.

It’s your investment, and it doesn’t have to hurt.

Make choice yourself
One of my uncles used to bring musical instruments to our house. We would figure out ways of making them work. Hours spent plucking mandolin strings, pumping a trombone and fiddling with a cello allowed me to choose to learn ... clarinet. Great fun!

I felt good asking a range of therapists to explain or give me a taster or exchange session, with profound results. Not only did I find out about therapies, I also met a number of therapists who in the telling about their therapy let me know about them as people, too.

Some of the therapies I tried (you can too) include reiki, kinesiology, Bowen, acupuncture, TAT, BSFF, Zensight Process. EFT-related methodologies include FasterEFT and Matrix Birth Reimprinting. I also learned much from speakers on the Trauma Telesummit. They truly deserve my thanks and deep respect!

  • If any of these steps seem too daunting for you, talk things through one by one with a friend (who can help you make a list of things to do)
  • Get to know what therapists work in your area, what they do. Think about how these might help move you forward. Notice your attraction/repulsion to each and go with your gut instinct toward the possible ones. The more the merrier. Consider your personal preferences. Why go for acupuncture if you hate needles? No need to ask for a reflexology session if you cant bear anyone to touch your feet! Do you prefer to talk things through? Maybe you feel so tense that a physical therapy would be a better starting point. Fear of talking about the trauma (whether you know what it is, or are mystified as to what it is) could be a stumbling block
  • Go to a source of information that is non-judgmental for information such as a library, sports clinic, or complementary therapy clinic, and pick up leaflets (I wrote about EFT in postcard format especially for this purpose to inform potential clients what a session would be like, giving contact details, and left it at the local library, GP surgery, health shop.)
  • Google all the therapies you’ve ever heard of and add your issue on the search line. Not only are you looking for what a therapy is but what are the qualifications a therapist could be expected to have. From there, feel free to read official websites. These give detailed information on entry requirements, duration of training, and qualifications (also helps to understand the letters after a therapist’s name).

Energy therapies enable you to re-order your brain/body experience now, so as to reduce or change your response to the trauma, fast! They can, in the right hands, put an end to your suffering, completely.

Daunting as it may seem, you get to do the research and you get to make the call.

Julie-Anne Mullan MA
EFT trainer and advanced practitioner (AAMET)
Email: eftexpert email

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