EFT for anger management


June Spencer recounts an experience she had while working as an EFT practitioner for a health and social care agency.

by June Spencer

I feel very blessed because they believe in me and support the work I do with EFT and other therapies with anger management groups. I am now running my third group of 8-10 people who initially came with anger issues but are now moving forward with their lives.

Initially, it was difficult to get the concept of EFT across but I did it and now we tap weekly (borrowing benefits) on some very major issues. The group is open and extremely supportive of each other and some of the changes I and they have witnessed are phenomenal.

A young man came to our first group session with many issues. One of which was he was ANGRY that ‘a bloke owed him money’ and was not paying up. His language was colourful and his presence was powerful. He had been referred to the group by a health department. He was cold, calculated and unemotional about how he saw the outcome of this scenario. There were eight other people in the room with varying degrees of anger – from red rage to frustration. This was the first session!

Having listened to their stories and offered strategies and techniques they could use to calm their anger, I talked about EFT and related it to their writing on the walls and how they came up with their beliefs and values. I managed to capture their attention and we began tapping. This was the moment that changed my life. The energy in the room changed from a tense, angry feeling to a sense of relief and calm. Shoulders dropped, jaws relaxed, there were sighs and nods as faces changed and softened.

I believe I was truly guided and still am. I listened to their words and melted them into phrases that encompassed all their needs and the anger began to dissolve through to frustration, irritation, blame, guilt, hurt and eventually self-realisation.

The young man who came to the first session is now training to use EFT as a volunteer alongside me. He has turned his life around and is amazing to watch as new groups come and go. He understands where they are coming from and how they can work to change their lives through EFT. As one of my latest clients said: “If someone as big and tough looking as you does it and believes in it, I’ll give it a go.” He, too, is changing his perception and his life.

We are looking to share best practice with other health and social care agencies and this month I am presenting a three-hour workshop on EFT and the work I am doing at the centre with regard to anger, stress management and promoting change.

June K Spencer
AAMET EFT practitioner/trainer
Reiki master teacher
Holistic therapist


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